Chicago’s Halloween festivities this year will again include a unique experience to supplement the traditional activities of haunted houses and parties. For the sixth time, DavJasFran Entertainment, a seven-year-old company with the mission of offering opportunities for the "new" artist, will present its UNNATURAL WEIRD WONDER FESTIVAL of short plays for the spooky season designed to scare, thrill and entertain audiences. Each evening of plays will be built around a theme. The theme of the five plays to be presented on Friday, October 27 is “Nightmares,” exploring the fears that emerge from the subconscious during the darkness of night. The theme of the five plays to be performed on Saturday, October 28 is “Witches” – looking into the mysterious powers of people that seem to be appear like the rest of us but have extraordinary powers of evil. On Sunday, October 29, a program of plays especially designed for kids will be presented. Each day, the performances will be followed by activities that will allow participants to be creative, win prizes, and have some Halloween fun. The performances and activities will all be held at Dreamers YOLO, 5419 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL. Performances Friday, October 27 and Saturday, October 28 are at 7:30 pm both evenings, and performances Sunday October 29 will begin at 12:00 noon.
Casts for the plays will include Casey Brockway, Kate Tka, Tara Shilkret, Brynn Beveridge, Takeisha Shanklin, Peter Kattner, Sophia Schumacher, Andre Ramseur, Rich Lazatin, Maria Lee, Catrina Evens, John Wilson, Almarie, Norhan Ozman, Madeline Meyer, James Gordon, Jabril Ali, Tiffany Liechty, Natalie Opoku, Nikky Niche, William Hardin, and others to be announced.
Tickets are $30.00 for the Friday and Saturday and $20.00 for the Sunday program. Festival passes are also available: 3-Day Passes $65.00, 2-Day Passes $50.00, 1-Day Passes for Friday, October 28 and Saturday, October 29 $30 per day; 1 Day pass for Sunday, October 30 $20.00. Tickets are on sale now at https://www.davjasfranentertainment.com/uwwfest.
Schedule of events
Friday, October 27 – 7:30 pm – Nightmares
“Killer Love” by Ari Baker
“Dreams” by Veronica Franklin
“The Pendent” by Tanzania Warren
“Alone” by Aaron Canino
“The Darkest Curse: Part 2” by Davette Franklin & Davra Franklin
Mummy Wrapping Contest
Pumpkin Patch Stomp w $25 Grand Prize ($1 raffle ticket to enter)
Saturday, October 28 – 7:30 pm - Witches
“The Evil That Carries My Soul” by Davra Franklin
“Witches Sabbath” by Pete Blatchford
“Burn Them Down” by Tamar Brooks
“Foul is Fair” by Donna Latham
“It Had To Be You” by Anonymous
Halloween Costume Contest
Pumpkin Patch Stomp w $25 Grand Prize ($1 raffle ticket to enter)
Sunday, October 29 – 12:00 Noon – Kids Fest
2 Kid Friendly Plays to be announced
Create Your own Spider Web
Create your own monster
Create your own scary dust (fairy dust)
Halloween Costume Contest
Pumpkin Patch Stomp w $25 Target Gift Card Grand Prize for Toys ($1 raffle ticket to enter)
Festival of original short spooktacular plays for Halloween weekend
Directed by Davette J. Franklin
Produced by DavJasFran Entertainment
Friday, October 27 at 7:30 pm
Saturday, October 28 at 7:30 pm
Sunday, October 29 at 12 noon
Dreamers YOLO, 5419 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL 60625
Located in Budlong Woods, north of Lincoln Square. Paid street parking is available along Lincoln Avenue.
3-Day Passes $65.00, 2-Day Passes $50.00, 1-Day Passes for Friday, October 28 and Saturday, October 29 $30 per day; 1 Day pass for Sunday, October 30 $20.00.
Tickets available at https://www.davjasfranentertainment.com/uwwfest
UNNATURAL WEIRD WONDER FESTIVAL is a three-day festival of short plays for the spooky season designed to scare, thrill and entertain audiences. Each evening of plays will be built around a theme. The theme of the five plays to be presented on Friday, October 27 is “Nightmares,” exploring the fears that emerge from the subconscious during the darkness of night. The theme of the five plays to be performed on Saturday, October 28 is “Witches” – looking into the mysterious powers of people that seem to be appear like the rest of us but have extraordinary powers of evil. On Sunday, October 29, a program of plays especially designed for kids will be presented. Each day, the performances will be followed by activities that will allow participants to be creative, win prizes, and have some Halloween fun.
About Director Davette J. Franklin
Davette J. Franklin is a Producer, Director, Playwright, Actress and Singer. She has always loved being on stage and entertaining. It all started with her signing with her sisters at the age of 3 years old. In high school, she became passionate about acting and noticed that if you do not have an extensive resume, most agencies and casting directors would not give you a shot. This ignited a spark in her to cater to the "new" actor and DavJasFran Entertainment was born. Her goal is to help new artists get discovered all while having fun and creating great work. She is often called the "Millennial Hero" and "Queen of YOLO", all names which she loves.
About DavJasFran Entertainment
DavJasFran Entertainment is a Production Company housed at Dreamers YOLO! The company was founded in 2016 by Davette J. Franklin and aims to be a production company for the "new" artist. Davette noticed that new Actors/Actresses, Writers, and Directors are always told to build their resume, but are never given the opportunity to grow them...that is why DavJasFran Entertainment was created. It fosters the "new" artists to help build their resumes and give them a fun experience while breaking into the Entertainment business.